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Content library

Content is viewed, edited, created and organized in the content library that is opened when you choose the "Content" tab in the Dynamic Content app.

A number of settings, features and shortcuts are available from the content library window, to help you to work efficiently. In addition, icons are used to show additional information 'at a glance' about content items and slots.

The content library window
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The content library window is where you work with content and a list of the repositories available to you is displayed in the left pane. In the example below repositories exist for content created in English, French, German and Spanish, as well as repositories containing slots. If you're a content producer, you'll usually be working in the content repositories and may only have read only access to the ones containing slots.

If you're working on several projects, you'll probably have access to more than one content repository, each containing its own content and allowing you to create particular types of content.

You can switch between repositories using the breadcrumb menu (1 in the image below). The content library shows the contents of the selected repository and if you have content organized into folders, will show the contents of the selected folder.

The breadcrumb also shows the folder structure, so you can see exactly which folder you're in and easily switch between them. In the image below the folder called "Summer collection" is selected and you can see that it's in the "Documentation examples" repository. This example shows the "Summer collection" folder selected in the "Documentation examples" repository.

The content library window

Switching between grid and list view
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The content library can either be viewed as a grid or a list.

In grid view, each piece of content is represented by a library card. This card displays a preview of the content it contains. If card previews are not displayed when you open the content library, you might need to check your settings. See the prerequisites section at the end of this page for more details.

To switch between grid and list view, use the icons highlighted below.

Switching between grid and list views

The list view shows information about each item, including its content type, creation and modification date. You can choose what information is shown for items in list view, by setting content display options.

To open an item for editing double-click anywhere within that item's entry in the list. Alternatively, choose "View" from the contextual menu, either by right-clicking the item or hovering over the item and clicking the ellipsis (...).

The list view

You can change the sort order for content displayed in both the grid and list view, as described in sorting.

Choosing list and grid settings
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You can choose what information is visible for items displayed in the content library using the list and grid display settings.

Content library list settings menu

In list view, the display settings let you show and hide details, such as, locale, content type and date created. In addition, you can also choose whether or not to include hierarchy child nodes in the list.

In grid view, the display setting simply allows you to show or hide hierarchy child nodes.

Hiding the left panel
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In both list and grid view, you can hide the left panel by clicking the icon (1 in the image below) to give you more space and allow you to focus on your content. To collapse the folder navigation click the folder view icon (2).

Collapsing the left hand panel gives you more room to work with you content.

The view of your content expands to fill the space available, with more space for content item names and your folder structure.

The content item menu
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In grid view and list view you can display the contextual menu for a content item by hovering over or selecting the item, then right-clicking or clicking on the ellipsis ("…").

The card menu

Actions available from the item contextual menu are:

  • View the content to edit it. See Viewing and editing content. You can also double-click anywhere in a card to open the content item for editing.

  • Copy the content. Creates a copy of the content item and adds it to the content library with the name you've chosen. See Copying content.

  • Get content id. Each content item has its own unique id that is used by developers to retrieve this item from Dynamic Content.

  • Delivery key. This allows you to add a delivery key, a string of up to 150 characters, to a content item or slot. This menu item will only be shown if you have Content Delivery 2 enabled on your hub.

  • Publish the content. Publish this content and any linked content items. See Publishing content.

  • Assign to. This menu item lets you assign the content to one or more users. You can also unassign a user by unchecking their name in the status menu.

  • Set status. Add a status to this item. This menu item is only shown if you have added statuses to your hub.

  • Rename the content. This displays a dialog allowing you to give the content a new name. See Saving content.

  • Assign locale. If you have locales added to your hub, then you assign this content to a locale. Once you have assigned a locale you will be able to localize the content and the menu item name will change to "localize".

  • Archive the content. Moves the content item to the archive folder in the current repository. See Archiving and unarchiving content.

Content item icons
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In both grid view and list view, icons provide additional information about an item. This includes the publish status, locale, workflow status and assignee.

In grid view, the icons are on the content's card. In this example, the item is published, has been assigned a locale of "en-GB", has a "Draft" workflow status and is assigned to multiple users.

The card menu

Custom locale labels

You can specify your own custom locale labels, so they are easier for users to understand. For example, for the en-GB locale code you may prefer to use a product name. See Locales.

The same information is also shown in the list view.

The card menu

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Dynamic Content allows you to refine your content searches with the help of parameters and wildcards, making it easier to find exactly what you're looking for.

Find out more about using the Search feature.

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You can filter which content is displayed in the content library by selecting facets, including: content type, publish status, modification date, assignee, locale and status. Filters are accessed by clicking the filter icon at the top of the content library window, list or grid view.

The content types section lists the content types for the content in the currently selected folder, and the number of content items for each. The other filters will also reflect the content in the selected folder.

In this example we've set up a filter for banners and sliders modified in the last 60 days and the active filters are shown at the top of the window.

Click the filter icon to choose how to narrow down the content items shown.

Clicking "Clear filters" (1) will remove the content library filters.

The view is updated to show content items matching your chosen filters.

Sorting content
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You can change the way that content items are sorted by choosing an option from the sort menu. Currently content can be sorted in ascending and descending order by modification and creation dates, content name and content type. By default content is sorted by modification date, with the most recently updated items shown first.

In the example below, we've chosen to sort content items in ascending order alphabetically.

Changing the content sort order

The content library is refreshed, now showing the content items sorted in ascending alphabetical order by name.

Content sorted by name

Performing bulk actions
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Dynamic Content bulk actions are provided so you can perform tasks, such as, archiving items, setting statuses and assigning locales, for up to 20 items at a time.

To use bulk actions, select items in the content library, optionally using the "Select all" option. When items are selected, the bulk action icons are displayed in the toolbar. Choose an action from the toolbar, or the right-click menu, and follow the on screen instructions. If you switch between list and grid view, your selection is retained.

Here's an example of setting the status for selected items using "Bulk set status":

Bulk set status of items in list view

The content library is updated to show the status that has been set for the items.

Bulk set status showing items updated in list view

Managing folders
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To create a new folder click the "+" icon (1 in the image below) to create a new folder at the current place in your folder structure. Alternatively, right-click on the name of the folder in which you want to create subfolder.

In the example below, a folder will be created in the "Winter" folder.

You now have easy access to creating new folders.

Moving content items between folders is easy. Just select the content you want to move and drag it to the destination folder. In the example below we're moving the "Winter collection slider" item to the "Winter" folder. You've always been able to move content between folders, but now it's a lot more convenient.

It's also possible to move folders into other folders, so you can easily change your folder structure.

Content can be dragged between folders.

You can find more details of folders on the Organizing content page.

Card preview prerequisites
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If you see an error message rather than a card preview for items in the content library, you may need to check your setup and contact your administrator:

  • You must have a virtual staging environment specified in your settings in order to show previews for any content.
  • The current user's IP address must be in the whitelist of approved IP addresses in order for the card preview to be displayed

The content form
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When you create, view and edit content, it is opened in the content form.

The fields shown on a content form, depend on the item's content type. For example, the content form for a blog type item may be text based, whereas a landing page type may have a collection of images. The content types available to you, are set up by your developers.

Example of the content form

When content is opened in the content form you can view its properties, such as, the dates it was created and last edited. See content item properties.

To exit the content form and return to the content library window, click Back (top right of the content form) or click on the main Content tab in the top navigation bar.

Developer note

For an overview of how to create content types for content producers and authors to use, see Developer's Get started guide.

Content form text editors
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From the content form you can edit rich text fields with:

The default editor, which provides limited features for editing rich text/markdown format content item text fields. The Markdown tab is shown for a field only if a developer has set the text format to markdown in the content type schema. See Setting text properties in the schema.

Example of the default editor

The Generative rich text editor extension, which features embeddable content items, enhanced markdown support and a ChatGPT powered AI assistant. Note, the Generative rich text editor extension will need to be enabled on your system.

Example of the Generative rich text editor

For help with common rich text formatting questions, see Creating content FAQs.

Content form extensions
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Amplience provides extensions that enhance and enrich the process of adding content with the content form. For example, there are extensions to help with image transformation, translation and applying your brand colors. For more example extensions, see Content field extensions.

Adding extensions to the content form

Extensions must be set up by your developers. See Registering and using extensions.

In addition to the extensions provided by Amplience, your developers can create extensions that are specific to your own use cases. See Extensions.

Saving content

Copying content

Organizing content

Publishing content

Archiving and unarchiving content

Setting a status for content

Localizing content