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Configuring your account

Dynamic Content uses an account structure of organizations, hubs and repositories to organize content and control user access.

Before you begin configuring your Dynamic Content account, Amplience helps you to plan the top level of your account structure, and specifically how many hubs to use. See Deciding your account structure.

Account structure showing users assigned to resources area Account structure showing users assigned to resources area

What Amplience sets up for you
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The Amplience Support team sets up the following for you:

What you need to configure
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Once an organization, hubs and user accounts are set up for your Dynamic Content account, your organization administrator can:

Additional configuration
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Other configurable features of Dynamic Content include:

  • Locales - for translation and localization
  • Previews - for users to preview how content will appear in its final location at chosen point in time
  • Workflow content statuses - for users to monitor content progress
  • Visualizations - for users to quickly see content as they are working on it

There are also many off the shelf integrations, custom extensions and webhook features that you can use to configure and customize Dynamic Content. For example, content field extensions are useful for extending the functionality of the content form to help users manage content. See Content field extensions.

Account management panel
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The Account management panel is used for managing and viewing permissions for Dynamic Content hubs and repositories.

The organization name is displayed in the top left of the window. If there is more than one organization, a dropdown list lets you switch between them.


The number of members count (shown in the Members tab title) includes invited users. You can quickly find the number of active and invited members, using the Filters.

The account management panel

From the account management panel, all users can view their permissions and those of other organization members. Organization admins can perform all account management related tasks, such as, setting permissions. In addition, organization admins can assign the hub admin role, letting certain users perform admin tasks for specific hubs and their repositories. See hub admin roles.

Icons are displayed next to each user name, and can be either:

  • A user's Gravatar, if one has been registered for their email address

  • A generated icon based on the user's name and a color chosen at random from a standard set of colors

Accessing account management
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You must have a Dynamic Content user name and password to access the Account management panel.

To open the Account management panel, first log in to the Amplience landing page, using either:

From the Amplience landing page, choose 'Account Management'.

Opening Account management from landing page

If you're already logged in to Dynamic Content, you can open Account management from the Amplience menu, shown below.

Opening Account management from the Amplience menu

If you don't have access to any organizations, this message is displayed:

No organizations message

Members tab
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The account management Members tab lists the organization members and invited users for an organization. For each member, a contextual menu shows the allowed actions. For example, organization admins can perform different actions to non-admin members. To open the contextual menu, hover over, or select a member, then click the ellipsis (...).

View member pane
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All members can use the view member pane to see other members' roles and teams, by clicking on the member in the list or using the contextual menu. For invited members, the pane shows only their email address.

The view member pane

The roles shown in the view pane can be assigned directly to a member or inherited from a team. See Role priority for individuals and teams.

Note, the Edit member button is only displayed for:

  • Organization admins
  • Users with the hub admin role assigned can set permissions on the hubs for which they are admins

Edit member pane
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The Edit member pane is used for changing member details, access and permissions.

To open, click 'Edit member' from either the member list contextual menu or the view pane (shown above).

The Edit member pane

Note that the Edit member pane shows the roles assigned to a member, and whether they have been assigned directly to the member or inherited from a team. See Role priority for individuals and teams.

From the Edit member pane, organization admins and hub admin users can do the following:

Organization adminHub admin
Promote/demote user to an organization admin
Remove user from the organization
Set user permissions for all hubsSet user permissions for hubs on which the user has the hub admin role
Manage which teams the user is inManage which teams (created by the hub admin) the user is in
Identifying roles set at individual level

Where permissions are set at team level, you can find out what role is assigned to the individual by right clicking on the role. See Finding individually assigned roles

Bulk actions
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When one or more members are selected on the Members tab, bulk actions are provided for:

Note: Bulk actions can only be performed by organization admins.

To perform bulk actions for members:

From the Members tab, select members, either individually or using the "select all" checkbox at the top of the list. Then choose the required action.

Selecting members to access Team bulk actions

Teams tab
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Use the Teams tab to view and mange teams in organizations.

Teams tab contextual menu
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To view the actions you can perform for a team, hover over the team in the list. This displays an ellipsis (...), that you click to open the contextual menu.

View team pane
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All members can use the view team pane to see teams and their roles, by selecting the team in the list. For users with the necessary permissions, for example the organization administrator, the "Edit team" button is displayed allowing them to set team level permissions.

The view team pane

Edit team pane
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To edit teams, a user must either be:

Use the Edit team pane to edit team details, add members and assign roles. Open the pane from the Teams tab, by choosing 'Edit team' from either the team contextual menu or the view team pane (shown above).

The Edit team pane

Usage tab
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The Usage tab is where you can view provisioned tools and services along with any allocations and balances for your account. This tab is only available for Organization admins.

Credits reporting
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Amplience credits let you try out Amplience AI services without having to set up your own account with OpenAI or other providers. Credits are used each time users access our AI services, for example, to generate some text for a blog post. See Amplience credits.

Using credits reporting you can:

  • Track usage of credits for auditing purposes
  • Identify who’s using credits and which AI services they use
  • Forecast how many credits you may need in the future

Organization admins can run credits reports to show the actions that used credits for a selected time frame within an organization.

To create and download a credits report, choose a time frame from the "Download usage report" menu in the "Usages" tab.

Credits reporting time frames

Time frameDescription
Week to dateFrom the start of the current week (Monday, 00:00 hours), to the present day and time
Month to dateFrom the first day of the current month (00:00 hour) to the current date and time
Last monthThe previous complete calendar month
Last 3/6 monthsThe previous complete 3 or 6 calendar months
This yearFrom the first day of the current year (00:00 hour) to the current date and time
Last yearThe previous complete year

Note: The report time frames use UTC.

Managing members and teams


Setting permissions