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Asset Search Query

keyword: String = "*"
fields: [SearchableFields!]
filters: FilterFields
sort: SortableFields
before: String
after: String
first: Int
last: Int
): AssetSearchConnection!

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assetSearch.keyword ● String scalar
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Terms or phrases to search for. A term is a single word. A phrase is a group of words enclosed in double quotes. Quotes must be escaped in the GraphQL query using a backslash e.g. "\"Darth Vader\"". The wildcard character can be used e.g. "Darth " to return "Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Darth Maul". "" cannot be used at the start of a term or phrase, as this has a negative performance impact. The following boolean operators are supported: AND OR NOT + -. Parentheses can be used to form sub-queries e.g. "(red OR green) AND XS_". MaxLength of keyword: 1000

assetSearch.fields ● [SearchableFields!] list enum
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Fields to search against - restricts the fields the keyword search applies to. Defaults to search against all SearchableFields if not supplied

assetSearch.filters ● FilterFields input
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Filter results based on the field values

assetSearch.sort ● SortableFields input
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Fields to sort asset search results by. When a sort is supplied in case of a tie break the default sort is applied after the specified sort.If a sort is not supplied the default will be applied. The default sort is score desc, ID desc.

assetSearch.before ● String scalar
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Cursor to start from when paginating backwards

assetSearch.after ● String scalar
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Cursor to start from when paginating forwards

assetSearch.first ● Int scalar
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Specifies the number of results to return. Required when after cursor is used. Cannot be used with before cursor. Defaults to 20 results if not supplied.

assetSearch.last ● Int scalar
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Specifies the number of results to return when paginating backwards. Must be used with before cursor.

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AssetSearchConnection object
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