DocsSchema ReferenceSchema examplesSchema examplesA set of schema examples to help get you started. Use as the basis for your own content type schemas.Using the schema examplesHow to set up and use the schema examples.Get startedCore conceptsText, media, numbers and lists. Combining schemas with content links, references and inline content.TextNumbersListsCombining schemasMediaValidationsAI servicesSchemas to make it easy to get started with our AI extensions.Generative rich text editor extensionImage alt text generator extensionAcceleratorsSchemas that you can use in your own projects including banners, sliders, images, text and video.Accelerators schemasBlogUsed to implement a blog and as examples in the webhook and search sections.Blog schemasExtensionsUsing example content field extensions to add new features to the content editing form.Extensions schemasFilterUsed for the filter examples.Blog filter and sortFilterable product detailsHierarchiesUsed for the hierarchy examples.Site menu hierarchyIngredients hierarchyPage hierarchyIntegrationsExamples to help you set up a Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) integrationSFCC integration schemasPartialsUse definitions in multiple schemas.Simple partialPartial with various definitionsSlotsSlot used for the tutorial banner, a localized slot and a SFCC slot.Banner slotLocalized slotSFCC slotTutorialsUsed in the guides and tutorials.BannerBanner carouselLocalized banner