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SEO Assistant

The SEO Assistant is a content field extension that uses AI to generate contextual title and description tags to help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). These meta tags provide search engines with essential information about your content, enabling them to understand and rank pages appropriately in search results.

SEO Assistant also provides:

  • Scoring to show how well your SEO meta tags comply with SEO best practices
  • Insights that recommend how you can optimize meta tags for your content
  • Search results preview for title and description meta tags
  • Support for keyword optimization

Generated SEO titles

Labs preview

The SEO Assistant extension is classified as an Amplience labs preview for you to evaluate and provide feedback. It's provided as is and is unsupported. Each time you use the "Generate" button or the "Scoring and insights" button you'll use one Amplience credit. Your organization is provided with a bundle of free credits to make it easy to get started with our AI services. Note: Viewing and hiding insights doesn't use any Amplience credits.

Using the SEO Assistant extension
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Automated creation of SEO title and description tags helps you to incorporate SEO practices as part of your authoring workflow in Dynamic Content. Once this content field extension is set up, you can quickly generate a range of relevant SEO titles and descriptions based on your content and select the ones you want to use. With the help of previews, scoring, insights and keywords, you can review and optimize your content and meta tags further.

Generating SEO meta tags
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When you create content that uses this extension, fields for SEO title and description tags are displayed in the content form along with buttons to generate the tags. The SEO tags are generated from content in the form. In the example below, text entered in the text field is used to provide context for generating the meta tags.

Populate the context field with text

developer tip

To help authors know where SEO title and description tags are generated from, add some hint text to the field. For example, "Provides context for generated SEO title and description".

Once the "context" field contains text, you can generate a range of titles and descriptions, and select the ones you want to use for the meta tags.

Generated SEO title and description tags

If you run out of credits when using SEO Assistant, you'll still be able to enter SEO titles and descriptions yourself, you just won't be able to use the AI feature to generate them.

Scoring and insights
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When you enter a SEO meta tag value for content that uses the SEO Assistant, the "Scoring and insights" button becomes active for you to view the tag's scoring.


Scoring and insights can be provided for SEO meta tags that have been entered manually or generated by the SEO Assistant.

SEO scoring for SEO meta tags

Content is given a score, shown as a percentage, for each of these categories:

  • Overall score - The average of the Title Length, Readability and Accessibility scores
  • Title Length - Identifies how well the meta tag meets the recommended length for SEO
  • Readability - Scores the meta tag taking into account factors such as grammar and punctuation
  • Accessibility - Scores the meta tag considering factors such as plain language and word complexity

You can optionally view and hide the insights and recommendations for your SEO meta tags.

Generated SEO title and description tags

Previewing SEO meta tags
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To see how your title and description meta tags will display in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), simply click the preview button. You can switch between desktop and mobile previews.

Search results preview for SEO meta tags

Optimizing for keywords
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There are two ways that you can use the SEO Assistant for keyword optimization:

Note, a content type schema must include a keyword property to use the SEO Assistant keywords feature. To generate keyword optimized content with the Generative rich text editor, it must be configured to use the keywordSource parameter. For information about configuration, see the SEO Assistant schema examples.

Generating keywords from content
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When content exists for an item, you can use the SEO Assistant to generate a list of keywords from it.

Here content has been entered, but no keywords have yet been specified.

Content without keywords

Clicking "Generate" creates a list of keywords based on your content. You can edit the keywords to suit your requirements.

List of keywords generated from content

Generating keyword optimized content
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You can use the SEO Assistant's keyword fields to provide context when generating content with the AI features of the Generative rich text editor. This streamlines the process of generating content and then manually optimizing it with keywords.

Before you can generate keyword optimized content from SEO Assistant keyword fields, the following set up is required:

Once the extension is configured you can enter keywords that the AI Assistant will use when generating content, as shown below.

Keywords to be used when generating content

Generating with keywords

The AI Assistant displays the option to use keywords only if you have entered keywords in the keyword source field.

The AI Assistant generates content based on your prompt and keywords you provide.

Keywords to be used when generating content

Schema examples
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To make it easier to use the SEO Assistant extension in your own schemas we've included some schema examples to help get you started.

Two schema examples are included to help you get started with the extension

There are two schema examples included: one that uses a registered extension and one that includes the extension URL directly in the schema. In most cases you will want to register the extension so that you do not have to specify the installation parameters each time you use it in a schema.

Using the SEO Assistant with JSON arrays

When configuring the SEO Assistant to use the Generative Rich Text Editor, you can set it to work with JSON output by setting type array and language json. See the Generative Rich Text Editor.

Schema example using a registered extension
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In order to use this schema you will need to register the extension using the following details:

  • Category: Content field extension
  • Name: seo-assistant (if you use a different name you will need to change the name in the example schema)
  • URL:
  • Initial height: 500

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In the permissions section set the "Read access" and "Modify access" API permissions.

Example schema
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The schema example using the registered extension is shown below. Note, in our example the registered extension is used for the title, the description and the keywords. Instance params are set for each of those fields.

"$schema": "",
"$id": "",
"$comment": "Docs:",
"title": "SEO Assistant",
"description": "Demonstrates how to use the SEO Assistant extension when it has been registered",
"allOf": [
"$ref": ""
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"seo-title": {
"title": "SEO Title",
"type": "string",
"ui:extension": {
"name": "seo-assistant",
"params": {
"type": "title",
"sources": ["/content"]
"seo-description": {
"title": "SEO Description",
"type": "string",
"ui:extension": {
"name": "seo-assistant",
"params": {
"type": "description",
"sources": ["/content"]
"seo-keywords": {
"title": "SEO Keywords",
"type": "string",
"ui:extension": {
"name": "seo-assistant",
"params": {
"type": "keywords",
"sources": ["/content"]
"content": {
"title": "Content Page",
"type": "string",
"ui:extension": {
"url": "",
"params": {
"language": "markdown",
"keywordSource": "/seo-keywords"
"propertyOrder": []

Schema using the extension URL
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This schema example shows how to include the extension in the schema using its URL.

"$schema": "",
"$id": "",
"$comment": "Docs:",
"title": "SEO Assistant extension example",
"description": "Demonstrates how to use the SEO Assistant extension without registering it",
"allOf": [
"$ref": ""
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"seo-title": {
"title": "SEO Title",
"type": "string",
"ui:extension": {
"url": "",
"params": {
"type": "title",
"sources": ["/content"]
"seo-description": {
"title": "SEO Description",
"type": "string",
"ui:extension": {
"url": "",
"params": {
"type": "description",
"sources": ["/content"]
"seo-keywords": {
"title": "SEO Keywords",
"type": "string",
"ui:extension": {
"url": "",
"params": {
"type": "keywords",
"sources": ["/content"]
"content": {
"title": "Content Page",
"type": "string",
"ui:extension": {
"url": "",
"params": {
"language": "markdown",
"keywordSource": "/seo-keywords"
"propertyOrder": []

Extensions overview

Registering extensions

Schema examples

SEO Assistant extension GitHub