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The following steps outline how to get the API credentials needed to integrate Content Studio with Shopify to be able to browse and select products.

What you'll need
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The following details are required:

  • Shopify Site ID
  • Shopify access token
  • Shopify API version

The setup information on this page assumes that you already have a Shopify store set up.

Finding the site ID
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You can find the site ID in two ways:

  • The URL when logged into Shopify. In the example used on this page it's amp-content-studio-01 and the login URL is

  • From the "Stores" section of your account, as shown below

You can find the site ID in the Stores section of your account

Getting an API access token
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Log in to your store and select "Apps and Sales channels" from the menu on the left.

  • Click the "Develop apps" button.

Click develop apps to start getting an access token

  • Click the "Allow custom app development" button and accept the notification.

Click allow custom development to continue

  • Click on "Create an app"

Finish completing an app

  • Give the app a name, assign an app developer and create the app

Assign the app a name and developer

  • The configuration screen will be displayed

The configuration screen

The Content Studio integration uses the Storefront API and requires the following access: unauthenticated_read_product_listings.

  • Choose Configuration -> Storefront API integration. Enable the required setting and click "Save".

Configuring the required access

To get the access token you need to install the app.

  • Click "Install app" and then click the "Install" button on the confirmation dialog.

Installing the app

You now have access to a storefront API Access token with the correct scope.

You can now access the API access token

Getting the Shopify Storefront API version
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We recommend using the latest version as specified in the Shopify documentation. This is currently 2024-07.

Should there be any issues with an updated API version, then use a previous version.

Setting up the integration in Content Studio
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  • In Content Studio choose the Commerce Repositories icon and click "Add Commerce Repository".

  • Choose "Shopify" from the dialog and add the integration.

Adding a Shopify integration in Content Studio

Give the integration a label and description and fill in the Site ID, access token and API version from your Shopify account.

Configuring the integration

You can verify that the integration can retrieve product information from the next screen.

You can verify that Content Studio can retrieve product information from your Shopify account

Product information can now be retrieved in templates such as Rewrite product description.

Template such as rewrite product description can retrieve product information

Content Studio- generating content