The following steps outline how to get the API credentials needed to integrate Content Studio with SCAYLE to be able to browse and select products.
What you'll needLink copied!
The following details are required:
- SCAYLE Tenant Space
- SCAYLE API Access Token
- SCAYLE Storefront API Version
Optional details:
- SCAYLE Storefront API Base URL
- SCAYLE Image Base Path
The setup information on this page assumes that you already have a SCAYLE store set up.
Finding the Tenant SpaceLink copied!
This is part of the URL used when accessing the SCAYLE Panel.
Details can be found here
Finding the Shop IDLink copied!
This is the shop which you would be browsing products from.
Details can be found here.
Getting an API access tokenLink copied!
Follow the SCAYLE guides to create an access token for your shop
Getting the SCAYLE Storefront API versionLink copied!
This is the API version that SCAYLE are using. The latest is version 1 (v1
Details about SCAYLE API versioning can be found here.
Using the SCAYLE Storefront API Base URL (Optional)Link copied!
If your setup has custom URLs or CNAMES for SCAYLE APIs, the Storefront API Base URL will overwrite these URLs.
Using the SCAYLE Image Base Path (Optional)Link copied!
The SCAYLE platform allows for images associated to a product to be a relative path.
Example: /myfolder/myimage.jpg
If you are using relative paths for your product images you can set this value to your image base path to load images from.
Example with image base path: {image_base_path}/myfolder/myimage.jpg
Setting up the integration in Content StudioLink copied!
In Content Studio:
Choose the Commerce Repositories icon and click "Add Commerce Repository".
Choose "SCAYLE" from the dialog and add the integration.
Give the integration a label and description and fill in the Site ID, access token and API version from your SCAYLE account.
Optionally, verify that the integration can retrieve product information.
Product information can now be retrieved in templates such as Rewrite product description.