AI for Content Creators: Overcoming FUD

Beth Norton
March 28, 2024

AI for content creators is what we really care about, and that’s exactly what we’re building. More specifically — AI for shopping experiences, because we want to a) make your job easier (yes, really) and b) help you sell harder and better than your competitors can.

Now we know there’s a lot of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) surrounding AI, and we’re tackling it head-on to help you better understand why and how AI is here to help you, not hinder or replace you. Let’s dive right in.

The AI revolution

We’re in the midst of a gigantic new wave of technology and for content creators, from marketers to merchandisers, the abundance of AI tools available is game-changing, to say the least. But it’s also a little overwhelming and raises questions such as:

“Will AI take my job?”

“Is AI content good for SEO?”

“Can AI really capture the nuance of human communication to produce good content?”

Understanding how to harness generative AI will help you answer all those questions and more. AI for content creators doesn’t start with haphazardly trying out AI tools, it starts with a solid understanding of how AI technology can be leveraged to make you more effective and efficient storytellers with the content you produce. It’s important not to do AI for AI’s sake (or you’ll end up with a case of AI failure on your hands) but instead, identify the very specific use cases that will benefit you.

You can read more about the best use cases for generative AI in eCommerce later but first, let’s tackle your FUD head-on.

Will AI replace content creators?

One of the primary concerns for content creators, marketers and creatives is that AI technology will take their jobs. But it won’t. And it never will. AI tools are more like assistants and should be viewed as another team member, rather than a replacement for content creators today. Initial outputs from AI are usually not very good, certainly not good enough to drive the engagement and sales that marketers expect from putting out content. So human oversight, guidance and input will always be needed to deliver truly exceptional work.

How does this help you, as a content creator? Use AI for generating outlines, coming up with ideas, producing basic content drafts or research summaries and you’ll eliminate time-consuming legwork that frees you up to focus on stylistic and strategic tasks that ensure the content you produce is good content, and performs well according to your business objectives.

Won’t AI just create bland, uninspiring copy?

Loss of control and creativity is another common concern for content creators. And we’ve all seen examples of ChatGPT gone wrong. Without context and intelligent AI prompting, yes, the outputs could be bland and uninspiring. They’re also likely to be irrelevant and unhelpful, so it’s important to understand that prompt engineering requires human input, where you as a content creator set the parameters and guide the direction of the output. You will always retain control over the final product, so it’s down to you to use the AI tool effectively to produce quality content.

Prompting AI to produce content with context can be long and complicated but it doesn’t need to be. We’re committed to AI prompting that’s simple and reliable, ensuring you produce relevant, high-quality content every time you use one of Amplience’s AI tools.

How do I make sure I use AI responsibly?

We’ve established three key steps for using AI responsibly because we know there are ethical concerns about using AI tools. As the user, you’re responsible for ensuring that the content generated is accurate, unbiased and relevant to your brand — which you can ensure in two ways.

  1. The missing ingredient in all generic AI tools is vertical industry context. What you really need to ensure responsible and successful use of the technology is contextual AI. What does that mean? It means using tools and more specifically, choosing vendors that align with your company’s objectives for content and commerce experiences. To generate successful outputs, the AI needs your brand, product and audience context. Without that, the generated content will be irrelevant to you. And actually, if you’re using generic AI tools that use the internet as a source, the content will also be highly unoriginal.

  2. Apply human expertise and oversight to all AI-generated content. While AI tools can produce great ideas and guide content, you as a content creator need to read, edit, tweak and optimize the output to maximize value. Be wary of any potential bias and apply your own expertise to ensure accuracy, transparency and relevancy in the output.

Embracing AI and the future of work

Anything new can be a bit daunting at first but the key to overcoming FUD is understanding that AI is a tool to help you with content creation, it’s not a competitor. Embracing AI is a fast track to boosting your creativity, productivity and efficiency.

Say goodbye to writer’s block, test new formats, ideas and leverage powerful AI to create fast, high-volume content to boost customer engagement.

Book a meeting with us and find out how Amplience AI can help you build fast and flexible shopping experiences that convert.