Increase Organic Website Traffic with Amplience’s NEW SEO Assistant

Alana Cento
March 13, 2024
5 mins

Selling more products on your website starts with a killer SEO strategy that helps you reach your target audience and drive them to your website. Central to this is optimizing your content so you can rank higher in the search results and ultimately get shoppers shopping.

When it comes to SEO, ranking #1 in the search results generates an average click-through rate (CTR) of 39.8%. And the second position cuts your CTR in half - then drops dramatically the further down you land in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Most marketers and merchants don’t have the time, expertise, or both, to optimize fresh content for SEO. Wouldn’t it be great to automate the tedious process of optimizing your website’s content? And not just do it faster, but also make your content perform better? Yeah, we think so too.

Introducing Amplience’s SEO Assistant

Amplience has released a new extension that enables merchants and marketers to leverage AI to improve content performance and increase organic traffic to your site. In addition to our existing gen AI-powered content creation tool, we bring you our brand-new SEO Assistant, designed to empower your teams to create fast, SEO-optimized content, at the click of a button.

Generate SEO-optimized meta titles and descriptions with a single click

Meta titles and descriptions are two of the most important factors for increasing the searchability of your site, reaching relevant audiences, and ultimately increasing sales.  Now, you can eliminate the manual process of creating meta titles and descriptions for your content with Amplience’s SEO assistant. With a single click, this new extension acts as an SEO specialist and serves up contextualized, SEO-optimized titles and descriptions for you to choose from.

Know how well your content will perform with SEO scoring

Meta title and description generation is just the first of many ways our SEO Assistant will make your content better and your life easier. When you’re ready to publish fresh content to your website, use SEO Assistant’s AI-powered scoring feature to rate how well titles and descriptions will perform. Scoring is based on three key SEO performance metrics to optimize content performance: character count, readability, and accessibility.

Along with a score out of 100, you’re given insights into the positive and negative indicators that make up your SEO score. With built-in preview, you can also visualize how your content will appear in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

These new additions to Amplience’s CMS are just what you need to level-up your SEO strategy, improving the performance of your content and giving you valuable time back.

Ready to check it out?

The Amplience SEO Assistant is a free extension for all Amplience Dynamic Content customers. You can learn more about the extension in the Amplience Marketplace. More interested in the technical details? Click here for SEO Assistant documentation.

For existing Dynamic Content customer, you can test out SEO Assistant in the AI Playground. If you’re not an existing customer, you can find the AI Playground in the Amplience Developer Trial.

Stay tuned for more exciting AI services coming your way from the Amplience team!