Amplience Evaluation Account

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Welcome to Amplience!

Let’s Get Started

Thanks for choosing Amplience’s CMS evaluation account. We’ve prepared resources to help you get started.

  1. Our developer documentation provides a comprehensive guide to our platform and is an essential resource for working with Amplience.

  2. Our sample code repositories on GitHub offer a variety of sample projects to inspire you as you work with our CMS in different scenarios.

  3. Our support team is always available to answer any questions and provide assistance as you evaluate our platform.

We’re excited to work with you and your team as you evaluate Amplience’s CMS.

Your new Amplience User Account

Receiving a new Amplience account

We’re quite enthusiastic about account creation so you’ll receive TWO emails from

Please DISREGARD the email titled “Amplience: New Account Created” (seriously, just hit delete)

Be on the lookout for this email and follow the instructions. Email should be titled: “You have been invited to an Amplience organization”

Congratulations! With your new account set up, it’s time to log in and start exploring all the exciting features and benefits we have in store for you.

How to Login to the new Amplience Account

Logging in is simple. Just go to

  • Username: Sent via email from

  • Password:  Sent via email from

If you want to shortcut right to the CMS or DAM, bookmark these links.

Client ID & API Client Secret

You will receive a separate email with your Client ID and API secret which will allow you to integrate with other 3rd party systems.

Learning the basics of Amplience

For a High-Level Overview:

For our PWA framework and integrations

Developer Portal and Documentation

The Amplience Developer Portal:

Quick access to concepts, terms, and development best practices

Amplience Documentation:

Integrations & Helpful Tools

Business User Documentation:

  • Content Production & Authoring: After Content Types are created by developers, Business Users can use this interface to easily create and visualize content. This walks through the steps involved here.

  • Content Planning & Scheduling: Create Events and Editions to tie content to Marketing Campaigns. This will come into play later with projects but still good to understand.

    If you run into any troubles or questions, please reach out to your Amplience sales contact who can direct you to the right team