Dynamic Content - Management APIs (1.0.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The Dynamic Content Management API helps you integrate your back end systems with Dynamic Content.
The API is designed for building back-office applications and you can use it for webhook integrations, content automation apps, or to integrate with your existing back end services.
To use the API, you'll need a client ID and secret. The authorization section below explains how to use the client ID and secret to obtain an access token that must be included with each request.
Dynamic Content uses OAuth2 to authorize access to the Dynamic Content management API.
To use the API you will need an API key and secret. These credentials will be provided to you by Amplience at the beginning of your project, or you can request them from Amplience support. Your API key will define the resources to which you have access.
Your API key and secret are used to obtain an access token from the Amplience authorization service. This token must be included in the authorization header of all requests to the Dynamic Content management API and is set to expire after a set time period, generally 300 seconds.
To get an authorization token, send a POST
request to the Amplience authorization server at https://auth.amplience.net
as follows.
POST https://auth.amplience.net/oauth/token
Header | Description |
Content-Type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
The parameters should be URL encoded and included in the body of the request:
Replace {yourclientid}
and {yoursecret}
with your client id and secret.
Parameter | Description |
client_id | The client id (API key) provided to you by Amplience |
client_secret | The client secret provided to you by Amplience |
grant_type | Set this to client_credentials to specify that the authorization token should be generated based on the client ID and secret |
Status codes
Status code | Description |
200 | OK. Credentials are valid. |
400 | Bad Request. client id or secret are not valid. |
Response body
If the clientID and secret are valid, the response body will be returned as in the example below.
Note that the example access_token has been truncated.
"access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJhbXBsaWVuY2UtdG9rZW4tc2lnbmluZy1rZXkiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhbXBsaWVuY2UuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNTUzODY4NjIyLCJqdGkiOiJMT2pvZ1dtMFM3TkRNT2VsTk96cWVnIiwiaWF0IjoxNTUzODY3MzYyLCJzd…",
"session_expires_in": 0,
"expires_in": 300
You will need to save the access token and include it in requests to the API. If the token has expired, request another token from the authorization service.
The Dynamic Content management SDK contains code to help you manage the access token.
To make a request to the Dynamic Content management API, for example to list all the hubs you have access to you would send a request such as:
GET https://api.amplience.net/v2/content/hubs
In the request header you must set the Authorization format to "Bearer" and include the access token:
Authorization : Bearer {access_token}
Replace {access_token} with the access token returned by the authorization service.
If the access token is valid, then the request is processed and the response is returned.
Resources can usually be retrieved using a /resource-types/:id
Collection resources will always be pluralised, regardless of how they are
accessed. In cases where resources are nested under a parent resource, and this
context is necessary for the request, this information is included in the
routing. For example, while a Content Repository can be retrieved by id using
GET /content-repositories/:id
, to create a new Content Repository it is
necessary to supply the ID of the parent Hub, so the route would take the form
POST /hubs/:hubId/content-repositories
Resources are returned in the HAL format, which provides a representation of
HATEOAS information in JSON. This allows for discoverability of endpoints from
responses, as a response for a resource will contain links to related resources
and actions. Links are contained within a _links
object, and are keyed by
name. In some cases, such as resource listing or search results, linked
resources are included in the response inside an _embedded
object, allowing
multiple resource to be returned within the same response body.
Status Code | Reason Phrase | Purpose |
200 | OK | Successful retrieval or update of a resource or list of resources |
201 | Created | Successful creation of a resource |
202 | Accepted | A background task has been initiated, but is still processing |
204 | No Content | Indicates the following: * Success with deleting a resource * Success with granting or revoking permissions * Success with nothing to report |
400 | Bad Request | Non-specific error with request |
401 | Unauthorized | No valid token was supplied in the request, or the token could not be decoded |
403 | Forbidden | The user lacks either the required functional or ACL permissions to make this request |
404 | Not Found | The requested resource does not exist, or the user does not have access to it |
405 | Method Not Allowed | The requested HTTP method is not permitted for this resource type |
406 | Not Acceptable | The requested resource is not available in the format requested by the user agent |
409 | Conflict | The requested change conflicts with the current state of the resource |
415 | Unsupported Media Type | The format of the resource supplied by the user agent is not supported by the server |
500 | Internal Server Error | Non specific error occurred on the server |
If an error occurs, the response body contains a JSON object containing an errors array. This will contain one or more error objects, containing a message field describing the error, and context specific metadata relating to this instance of the error.
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 145
"errors" : [ {
"entity" : "Hub",
"property" : "name",
"invalidValue" : "anya-finn",
"message" : "name must be unique"
} ]
When updating a resource, the PATCH
method is used. When making a PATCH
request, any fields specified in the request will overwrite their associated
values in the stored resource, but omitted fields will remain unchanged. This
is in contrast to the PUT
method, which would set omitted fields to null, and
is not supported in this API. When making a PATCH
request to a resource
containing nested JSON objects, it is important to note that child objects are
replaced completely, and do not inherit the PATCH
functionality of the root
For example, given a stored resource in the format:
"foo": {
"bar": "abc",
"baz": "xyz"
"bar": "123"
When the following request body is used in a PATCH
"foo": {
"bar": "def"
The resource would be transformed to the following:
"foo": {
"bar": "def"
"bar": "123"
Payload Considerations
When submitting a JSON payload to the API, the first complete JSON object in the body will be accepted, and any additional information will be discarded. For example:
"foo": {
"bar": "def"
"unknownProperty": "will be ignored"
In the above example, there is an extra closing brace and additional characters that follow a valid JSON object. Any extra input characters like this will be ignored by the API.
Administration allows you to add or revoke permissions for users and manage access to resources.
Response samples
- 200
{- "_links": {
List Operations on a resource
Given the id of a resource for which you are an administrator, you can see the various operations that you can perform. Simply follow the appropriate link for the resource passing in the id.
Resource Type | Required Functional Permissions | Required ACLs |
Hub - READ ContentRepository - MANAGE_ACCESS |
path Parameters
resource required | string Enum: "hubs" "content-repositories" Example: hubs Resource Type |
resourceId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Resource ID |
Response samples
- 200
{- "_links": {
- "self": {
}, - "members": {
List members on a resource
The memebrs link will list the memebrs that have access to a particular resource. This includes the member's id (sid) and the list of permissions they have.
Resource Type | Required Functional Permissions | Required ACLs |
Hub - READ ContentRepository - MANAGE_ACCESS |
path Parameters
resource required | string Enum: "hubs" "content-repositories" Example: hubs Resource Type |
resourceId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Resource ID |
Response samples
- 200
{- "_embedded": {
- "members": [
- {
- "sid": "alice",
- "permissions": [
- "READ",
- "EDIT",
- "SHARE",
], - "_links": {
- "revoke-permission": {
- "templated": true
}, - {
- "sid": "bob",
- "permissions": [
- "READ"
], - "_links": {
- "revoke-permission": {
- "templated": true
}, - {
- "sid": "charlie",
- "permissions": [
- "READ",
], - "_links": {
- "revoke-permission": {
- "templated": true
}, - {
- "sid": "david",
- "permissions": [
- "READ"
], - "_links": {
- "revoke-permission": {
- "templated": true
}, - {
- "sid": "ewan",
- "permissions": [
- "READ"
], - "_links": {
- "revoke-permission": {
- "templated": true
}, - "_links": {
Get a member by id
Given a resource and a member id you can navigate directly to a specific member by following the "member" link from the resource.
Resource Type | Required Functional Permissions | Required ACLs |
Hub - READ ContentRepository - MANAGE_ACCESS |
path Parameters
resource required | string Enum: "hubs" "content-repositories" Example: hubs Resource Type |
resourceId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Resource ID |
sid required | string Example: alice Member ID |
Response samples
- 200
{- "sid": "alice",
- "permissions": [
- "READ"
], - "_links": {
- "revoke-permission": {
- "templated": true
Revoking permissions
Revoke access to a specific resource by deleting a members permission.
From a member, follow the "revoke-permission" link passing in the permission to delete.
You can specify one or multiple permissions. Multiple permissions are comma separated.
Resource Type | Required Functional Permissions | Required ACLs |
path Parameters
resource required | string Enum: "hubs" "content-repositories" Example: hubs Resource Type |
resourceId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Resource ID |
sid required | string Example: alice Member ID |
permissions required | string Example: READ,EDIT Permission(s) to revoke (comma separated list) |
Manage Modules on Resources
Modules offer additional functionality which is not enabled by default. With the ability to manage modules you can control which modules are enabled on the resources you administer.
Response samples
- 200
{- "_links": {
List Module Operations on a Hub
Given the id of a hub for which you are an administrator, you can see the various module management operations that you can perform. Simply follow the appropriate link for the resource passing in the id.
path Parameters
hubId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Hub ID |
Response samples
- 200
{- "_links": {
- "self": {
}, - "enable-content-delivery-2": {
}, - "enable-algolia-search": {
Enable the Search Index module on a hub
Enable the Search Indexes module (Algolia Search) on the specified hub. Simply follow the appropriate link for the resource passing in the id.
path Parameters
hubId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Hub ID |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "00112233445566778899aabb",
- "name": "anya-finn",
- "label": "Anya Finn",
- "description": "Content for anyafinn.com",
- "plan": "DEVELOPER",
- "algoliaSearch": "ENABLED",
- "cdv2": "ENABLED",
- "organizationId": "org_cDQVi4ww5y6cMPtN",
- "settings": {
- "publishing": {
- "platforms": {
- "amplience_dam": {
- "endpoint": "endpoint"
}, - "devices": [
- {
- "name": "New Device",
- "width": 2048,
- "height": 1024,
- "orientate": false
], - "localization": {
- "locales": [
- "en-GB",
- "fr-FR"
}, - "previewVirtualStagingEnvironment": {
- "hostname": "unique-id.staging.bigcontent.io"
}, - "virtualStagingEnvironment": {
- "hostname": "unique-id.staging.bigcontent.io"
}, - "assetManagement": {
- "enabled": false,
- "clientConfig": "HUB"
}, - "_links": {
- "snapshots": {
- "templated": true
}, - "create-snapshot": {
}, - "batch-create-snapshot": {
}, - "events": {
- "templated": true
}, - "create-event": {
}, - "update-settings": {
}, - "content-repositories": {
- "templated": true
}, - "create-content-repository": {
}, - "register-content-types": {
}, - "create-content-type-schema": {
}, - "content-types": {
- "templated": true
}, - "list-content-type-schemas": {
- "templated": true
}, - "resolve-content-type-schema": {
}, - "search-content-items": {
- "templated": true
}, - "facet-content-items": {
- "templated": true
}, - "search-localization-jobs": {
}, - "webhooks": {
- "templated": true
}, - "create-webhook": {
}, - "integrations": {
- "templated": true
}, - "create-workflow-state": {
}, - "workflow-states": {
- "templated": true
}, - "create-algolia-search-index": {
}, - "algolia-search-indexes": {
- "templated": true
Enable the Content Delivery 2 module on a hub
Enable the Content Delivery 2 module on the specified hub. Simply follow the appropriate link for the resource passing in the id.
path Parameters
hubId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Hub ID |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "00112233445566778899aabb",
- "name": "anya-finn",
- "label": "Anya Finn",
- "description": "Content for anyafinn.com",
- "plan": "DEVELOPER",
- "algoliaSearch": "ENABLED",
- "cdv2": "ENABLED",
- "organizationId": "org_cDQVi4ww5y6cMPtN",
- "settings": {
- "publishing": {
- "platforms": {
- "amplience_dam": {
- "endpoint": "endpoint"
}, - "devices": [
- {
- "name": "New Device",
- "width": 2048,
- "height": 1024,
- "orientate": false
], - "localization": {
- "locales": [
- "en-GB",
- "fr-FR"
}, - "previewVirtualStagingEnvironment": {
- "hostname": "unique-id.staging.bigcontent.io"
}, - "virtualStagingEnvironment": {
- "hostname": "unique-id.staging.bigcontent.io"
}, - "assetManagement": {
- "enabled": false,
- "clientConfig": "HUB"
}, - "_links": {
- "snapshots": {
- "templated": true
}, - "create-snapshot": {
}, - "batch-create-snapshot": {
}, - "events": {
- "templated": true
}, - "create-event": {
}, - "update-settings": {
}, - "content-repositories": {
- "templated": true
}, - "create-content-repository": {
}, - "register-content-types": {
}, - "create-content-type-schema": {
}, - "content-types": {
- "templated": true
}, - "list-content-type-schemas": {
- "templated": true
}, - "resolve-content-type-schema": {
}, - "search-content-items": {
- "templated": true
}, - "facet-content-items": {
- "templated": true
}, - "search-localization-jobs": {
}, - "webhooks": {
- "templated": true
}, - "create-webhook": {
}, - "integrations": {
- "templated": true
}, - "create-workflow-state": {
}, - "workflow-states": {
- "templated": true
}, - "create-algolia-search-index": {
}, - "algolia-search-indexes": {
- "templated": true
A simple query syntax is provided to allow full text search on content items. Several characters have special meaning and are reserved:
Table 2. Reserved Search Characters
Description | Symbol |
Negation Operator | - |
Field Search Operator | : |
Quote (for exact search) | " |
Comma (list multiple search terms) | , |
Please note that the text search is case insensitive, and will only display content items within the hub. See the following examples for an explanation of the query syntax:
Table 3. Text Search Examples
Query | Meaning |
apple | Find all content items containing the word "apple" |
apple orange | Find all content items containing the words "apple" AND "orange" |
apple,orange | Find all content items containing either "apple" OR "orange" |
apple -orange | Find all content items that contain the word "apple" but NOT "orange" |
-apple-orange | Find all content items that don’t contain "apple-orange" (hyphens in the middle of a word are not treated as negation) |
label:apple | Find all content items that contain the word "apple" within the "label" field |
"apple:orange" | Find all content items containing "apple:orange" (quotes must be used to search for a colon character) |
apple label:orange | Find all content items containing the word "apple" anywhere within them, AND the word "orange" in the label field |
Update Multiple Content Items
Update Multiple Content Items
Request Body schema: application/json
Update Multiple Content Items
object Body | |
label | string Label |
version | number >= 1 Version |
folderId | string Folder ID |
assignees | string Assignee |
id | string <uuid> ID |
Request samples
- Payload
[- {
- "body": {
- "heading": "Heading",
}, - "label": "Label",
- "version": 1,
- "folderId": "00112233445566778899aabb",
- "assignees": "00112233445566778899aabb",
- "id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff"
Response samples
- 207
{- "results": [
- {
- "id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "status": 200,
- "code": "SUCCESS",
- "level": "INFO",
- "message": null
Get Content Item
Get a Content Item
path Parameters
contentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Content Item ID |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "contentRepositoryId": "00112233445566778899aabb",
- "body": {
- "_meta": {
- "name": "main-banner",
- "deliveryKey": "promo-page/main-banner"
}, - "heading": "Buy more stuff!!",
}, - "label": "Banner Ad Homepage",
- "folderId": "00112233445566778899aabb",
- "assignees": [
- "00112233445566778899aabb"
], - "assignedDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "locale": "en-GB",
- "version": 1,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "createdBy": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "createdDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "lastModifiedBy": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "lastModifiedDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "lastPublishedDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "lastPublishedVersion": 1,
- "lastUnpublishedDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "lastUnpublishedVersion": 1,
- "publishingStatus": "NONE",
- "deliveryId": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "workflow": {
- "state": "00112233445566778899aabb"
}, - "_links": {
- "content-item": {
- "templated": true
}, - "planned": {
- "templated": true
}, - "publish": {
}, - "unpublish": {
}, - "linked-content": {
- "templated": true
}, - "content-item-with-children": {
}, - "content-item-with-parents": {
}, - "update": {
}, - "restore-version": {
}, - "content-repository": {
}, - "content-item-version": {
- "templated": true
}, - "content-item-versions": {
- "templated": true
}, - "content-item-history": {
- "templated": true
}, - "copy": {
- "templated": true
}, - "unarchive": {
}, - "archive": {
}, - "set-delivery-key": {
}, - "set-locale": {
}, - "create-localizations": {
}, - "localizations": {
- "templated": true
}, - "localization-jobs": {
- "templated": true
}, - "edition-slot-associations": {
}, - "edit-workflow": {
Update Content Item
Update a Content Item. Please note that deliveryKey can only be set when Content Delivery 2 is enabled.
path Parameters
contentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Content Item ID |
Request Body schema: application/json
Updated Content Item
Supports one or multiple Content Items
object | |
label | string non-empty Label |
folderId | string Folder ID |
assignees | Array of arrays Assignees |
locale | string Locale |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "body": {
- "_meta": {
- "name": "main-banner",
- "deliveryKey": "promo-page/main-banner"
}, - "heading": "Buy more stuff!!",
}, - "label": "Banner Ad Homepage",
- "folderId": "00112233445566778899aabb",
- "assignees": [
- "00112233445566778899aabb"
], - "locale": "en-GB"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "contentRepositoryId": "00112233445566778899aabb",
- "body": {
- "_meta": {
- "name": "main-banner",
- "deliveryKey": "promo-page/main-banner"
}, - "heading": "Buy more stuff!!",
}, - "label": "Banner Ad Homepage",
- "folderId": "00112233445566778899aabb",
- "assignees": [
- "00112233445566778899aabb"
], - "assignedDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "locale": "en-GB",
- "version": 1,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "createdBy": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "createdDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "lastModifiedBy": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "lastModifiedDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "lastPublishedDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "lastPublishedVersion": 1,
- "lastUnpublishedDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "lastUnpublishedVersion": 1,
- "publishingStatus": "NONE",
- "deliveryId": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "workflow": {
- "state": "00112233445566778899aabb"
}, - "_links": {
- "content-item": {
- "templated": true
}, - "planned": {
- "templated": true
}, - "publish": {
}, - "unpublish": {
}, - "linked-content": {
- "templated": true
}, - "content-item-with-children": {
}, - "content-item-with-parents": {
}, - "update": {
}, - "restore-version": {
}, - "content-repository": {
}, - "content-item-version": {
- "templated": true
}, - "content-item-versions": {
- "templated": true
}, - "content-item-history": {
- "templated": true
}, - "copy": {
- "templated": true
}, - "unarchive": {
}, - "archive": {
}, - "set-delivery-key": {
}, - "set-locale": {
}, - "create-localizations": {
}, - "localizations": {
- "templated": true
}, - "localization-jobs": {
- "templated": true
}, - "edition-slot-associations": {
}, - "edit-workflow": {
Archive Content Item
Archive a Content Item
path Parameters
contentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Content Item ID |
Request Body schema: application/json
Version to archive
version required | integer Version to archive |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "version": 1
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "contentRepositoryId": "00112233445566778899aabb",
- "body": {
- "_meta": {
- "name": "main-banner",
- "deliveryKey": "promo-page/main-banner"
}, - "heading": "Buy more stuff!!",
}, - "label": "Banner Ad Homepage",
- "folderId": "00112233445566778899aabb",
- "assignees": [
- "00112233445566778899aabb"
], - "assignedDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "locale": "en-GB",
- "version": 1,
- "status": "ARCHIVED",
- "createdBy": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "createdDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "lastModifiedBy": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "lastModifiedDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "lastPublishedDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "lastPublishedVersion": 1,
- "lastUnpublishedDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "lastUnpublishedVersion": 1,
- "publishingStatus": "NONE",
- "deliveryId": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff",
- "workflow": {
- "state": "00112233445566778899aabb"
}, - "_links": {
- "content-item": {
- "templated": true
}, - "planned": {
- "templated": true
}, - "publish": {
}, - "unpublish": {
}, - "linked-content": {
- "templated": true
}, - "content-item-with-children": {
}, - "content-item-with-parents": {
}, - "update": {
}, - "restore-version": {
}, - "content-repository": {
}, - "content-item-version": {
- "templated": true
}, - "content-item-versions": {
- "templated": true
}, - "content-item-history": {
- "templated": true
}, - "copy": {
- "templated": true
}, - "unarchive": {
}, - "archive": {
}, - "set-delivery-key": {
}, - "set-locale": {
}, - "create-localizations": {
}, - "localizations": {
- "templated": true
}, - "localization-jobs": {
- "templated": true
}, - "edition-slot-associations": {
}, - "edit-workflow": {
Get Content Item Associations
Get Content Item Associations
path Parameters
contentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Content Item ID |
Response samples
- 200
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Assigning a Delivery Key
Assign a delivery key to a content item or slot and replace any existing key. The delivery key must meet the validation rules and be unique within the hub.
The current version of the content item must be included in the request payload. If the version specified is not the current one, then a 400 error will be returned in the response.
path Parameters
contentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Content Item ID |
Request Body schema: application/json
Assign Content Item Delivery Key request
deliveryKey required | string (DeliveryKey) [ 1 .. 150 ] characters ^(?!.*[/]{2})[A-Za-z0-9-_]+[A-Za-z0-9-_/]*(?<... Delivery key |
version required | number (Version) >= 1 Version |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "deliveryKey": "promo-page/main-banner",
- "version": 1
Response samples
- 200
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List Content Item History
List Content Item History
path Parameters
contentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Content Item ID |
Response samples
- 200
{- "_embedded": {
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Localize Content Item
Localize a Content Item
path Parameters
contentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Content Item ID |
Request Body schema: application/json
locales required | Array of arrays List of locales |
version required | integer Content item version number |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "locales": [
- "fr-FR",
- "de-DE"
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Response samples
- 202
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Finding Content by Epoch
Find content items that are candidates for being published at a point in time.
query Parameters
epoch | number Example: epoch=1546300800 Epoch Time |
time | number Example: time=2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z Time |
Response samples
- 200
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Publish Content Item
Publish a Content Item
The response Location
header is the a URL of the created Publishing Job
path Parameters
contentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Content Item ID |
Request Body schema: application/json
Request samples
- Payload
{ }
Restore Content by Content Version Number
Restore Content by Content Version Number
path Parameters
contentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Content Item ID |
Request Body schema: application/json
Restore Content by Content Version Number request body
version required | number Version |
restoreVersion required | number Restore Version |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "version": 2,
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Response samples
- 200
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Unarchive Content Item
Unarchive a Content Item
path Parameters
contentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Content Item ID |
Request Body schema: application/json
Version to unarchive
version required | integer Version to unarchive |
Request samples
- Payload
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Response samples
- 200
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List Content Item Versions
List Content Item Versions
path Parameters
contentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Content Item ID |
Response samples
- 200
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Finding Content by Content Version Number
Finding Content by Content Version Number
path Parameters
contentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Content Item ID |
query Parameters
version | number Example: version=1 Version |
Response samples
- 200
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List Content Item History for a Version
List Content Item History for a Version
path Parameters
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version required | string Example: 1 Version |
Response samples
- 200
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Assigning a Workflow State
Assigning a Workflow State to a Content Item
path Parameters
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Request Body schema: application/json
Version to unarchive
version required | integer Version to unarchive |
state required | string Workflow State ID |
Request samples
- Payload
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Response samples
- 200
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Getting Linked Child Content Items
Get Linked Child Content Items
query Parameters
id required | string Example: id=00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Id |
Response samples
- 200
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Getting Linked Parent Content Items
Get Linked Parent Content Items
query Parameters
id required | string Example: id=00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Id |
Response samples
- 200
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List Content Items
This lists all of the Content Items within this Content Repository
path Parameters
contentRepositoryId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Content Repository ID |
query Parameters
projection | string Value: "projection" Example: projection=basic "basic" - omits the body property from the return Content Items |
page | integer Page number |
folderId | string Example: folderId=00112233445566778899aabb Folder ID |
status | string Status |
excludeHierarchicalChildren | boolean Example: excludeHierarchicalChildren=true Exclude hierarchical child items |
size | integer Example: size=20 Page size |
sort | string Example: sort=createdDate,asc Sort paramter |
Response samples
- 200
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Create Content Item
Create a Content Item. Please note that deliveryKey can only be set when Content Delivery 2 is enabled. Copying a content item will not copy the deliveryKey.
path Parameters
contentRepositoryId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Content Repository ID |
Request Body schema: application/json
Content Item
required | object |
label required | string non-empty Label |
folderId | string Folder ID |
assignees | Array of arrays Assignees |
locale | string Locale |
object |
Request samples
- Payload
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Response samples
- 201
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Copy Content Item
Copy a Content Item. Please note that deliveryKey can only be set when Content Delivery 2 is enabled. Copying a content item will not copy the deliveryKey.
path Parameters
contentRepositoryId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Content Repository ID |
sourceContentItemId required | string Example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff Source Content Item ID (used to copy an existing Content Item) |
Request Body schema: application/json
Content Item
required | object |
label required | string non-empty Label |
folderId | string Folder ID |
assignees | Array of arrays Assignees |
locale | string Locale |
object |
Request samples
- Payload
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- "heading": "Buy more stuff!!",
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Response samples
- 201
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Faceting Content Items with Search by Text
Facet content items and search by text. See Text Search Query Syntax for a summary of the query syntax.
path Parameters
hubId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Hub ID |
query Parameters
sort | string Example: sort=createdDate Sort |
createdDate.dir | string Enum: "asc" "desc" Example: createdDate.dir=desc Direction of sort |
Request Body schema: application/json
Facet Content Items
required | Array of objects |
returnEntities | boolean Return Entities |
Request samples
- Payload
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Response samples
- 200
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Filtering Content Items by Collection Keys
Filter content items using Collection Keys.
path Parameters
hubId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Hub ID |
Request Body schema: application/json
Filter Content Items
collectionKey required | string collectionKey |
object | |
object |
Request samples
- Payload
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Response samples
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Search Content Items by Text
Text is the default search field. See Text Search Query Syntax for a summary of the query syntax.
path Parameters
hubId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Hub ID |
query Parameters
query required | string Example: query=uniondusk Query |
Response samples
- 200
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Finding Content Items by Delivery Keys
Find content items using the Delivery Key.
path Parameters
hubId required | string Example: 00112233445566778899aabb Hub ID |
query Parameters
key required | string Example: key=promo-page/main-banner The delivery key |
Response samples
- 200
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