How to Adapt to the Future of SEO with AI

Beth Norton
April 5, 2024
8 mins

There is no future of SEO without artificial intelligence. But some questions still remain about how AI will affect SEO and how, as a content creator and marketer, you can use AI to enhance your content strategies and boost your SEO efforts, so you become a regular on the SERPs and boost your business’ organic visibility with less, rather than more, effort.

SEO will always be one of the most effective strategies in digital marketing and AI is the driving force for future SEO success. Let’s look at how AI is reshaping the SEO landscape and how you can adapt your strategy to stay ahead of the curve in this new era.

The role of AI in search evolution 

With AI, search engines have evolved to understand the context behind search queries. Google’s AI-powered RankBrain, for example, is enhancing search result accuracy because it understands how words relate to concepts and therefore presents users with information they couldn’t find previously from a simple search query. RankBrain is used to help decide the best order (or ranking) for top search results based on this concept analysis. In short, it’s used to comprehend user intent – the user’s primary goal when conducting a search.

The progression of search from keyword matching to semantic search marks a huge shift in the SEO landscape and demands prioritization of creativity and relevance over keyword density.

Optimizing content for semantic search  

Semantic search is more intuitive and understands the complex ways humans think, so as a content creator, you need to be able to put yourself in the shoes of your audience and understand what they’re looking for when they type in a search query. This means moving beyond traditional keyword strategies that zero in on exact-match phrases and instead, think in terms of themes, topics and concepts that surround them. A good keyword strategy not only identifies target primary keywords but also related terms, synonyms and questions that users might ask about a particular topic.

Creating intuitive content very much aligns with Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines, where expertise, experience, authoritativeness and trustworthiness provide a solid framework for valuable content that’s more likely to rank.

Here are some quick tips for embracing semantic search and creating more intuitive content:

  • Use natural language that’s easy for your audience to understand (break down all the jargon and clearly explain any acronyms and terms that the reader might not be familiar with)

  • Include keywords (short and long-tail) that your audience is likely to use

  • Write in a way that’s engaging, interesting and highlights the expertise in your organization, the services you offer, and your content

  • Create well-structured content with clear sub-headings that’s easy to follow and navigate. Consider using bullet points and diagrams to improve understanding

Another great set of guidelines is the C.R.A.F.T. framework, which is especially helpful for content creators when working with AI-generated content.

Adapting your SEO strategy for the AI era

Evolving your SEO strategy to match this transition is critical for realizing success. You need to embrace AI-driven tools for task automation and improvement of your search rankings and user experience. You also need to pay particular attention to user intent and personalization, which will ensure your content addresses the specific needs of your audience, and is relevant and engaging, leading to improved search rankings and more website traffic.

Use AI tools for SEO

Using AI tools to automate SEO tasks ensures that you’re adhering to best practices and that your content is optimized for search, to help you maximize reach and performance. And it frees up valuable time for you to focus on more strategic tasks.

Use AI to support your keyword research and discover relevant, long-tail and user-intent keywords to inform your content optimization. You can also run competitor analyses using AI to find out which keywords your competitors are using and identify any potential gaps in their content that you can look to fill to provide value to your audience.

A robust backlink profile is key to SEO success, so use AI to analyze your backlinks and to identify new opportunities for quality backlinks that will improve your search visibility.

AI is a great tool to help you identify patterns and trends in data to inform your SEO strategy but remember that it’s human expertise and oversight that will make your AI SEO efforts successful. Use AI tools to enhance, rather than replace, your decision-making process.

Prioritize user intent and personalization

To win in the AI era, you need a deep understanding of your audience’s needs and behavior. Bonus points if you’re able to predict your audience’s needs before they realize them.

By analyzing keywords not just for their search volume but for the underlying intent they represent, including any related queries, you can create content that aligns with what your audience is looking for – whether it’s informational or inspirational.

If you don’t already have one, create a buyer journey map, so you can better understand the different types of content that your audience needs at different stages, ensuring that they’re well-informed to make a confident purchase decision.

Leverage AI for content creation

One of the best use cases for AI in your SEO strategy is content creation. Maximize speed and efficiency by using AI tools to generate short and long-form content such as blog posts, landing pages and product descriptions, embedding relevant keywords and search terms.

But always apply strategic human input to AI-generated content. Human input brings depth, expertise and emotion to AI content, ensuring that it resonates with your audience. The synergy of AI and human expertise will empower you to create content that meets the criteria of search algorithms, while providing value and addressing the specific needs of your audience, resulting in higher engagement and conversions.

Search with AI: A bright future

AI search is changing how we create content, adapt to algorithms and stay ahead of our competitors. It’s no longer just about keywords, it’s about understanding and utilizing AI, so we can better understand our customers.

Using AI for SEO will help you be more efficient, add depth to your research, optimize content and focus on user intent. Success comes from embracing AI tools while balancing human expertise. If you can master this, the future will be bright.

Discover Amplience’s suite of AI services designed specifically for content creators. We’re helping you create fast, conversion-driving content at scale. You can thank us later.