A Conversation With

Liberty London

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Amplience customer, Liberty London, recently underwent a website redesign, creating a brilliant app-like, customer-first experience. Amplience’s CEO, James Brooke, delves into the redesign project with Liberty London’s Head of Digital Design, James Finch.

Liberty of London offers a best-in-class commerce and content experience using Salesforce Reference Architecture (SFRA). Optimized for a mobile-first experience but not compromising with rich and engaging content and media, it’s an excellent showcase of the power of combining Amplience and Salesforce for a customer-first experience.

Video Highlights

  • 1:00 - Impacts of Covid 19

  • 2:03 - Objectives of website redesign project

  • 07:24 - Process, technologies and approaches used throughout the project

  • 15:35 - Key project challenges

  • 17:25 - The results, how Amplience fit into the mix and benefits of a headless approach

  • 23:53 - What’s next for Liberty London?

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