3 Steps to Using AI Responsibly

Andrew Boulton
March 6, 2024
5 mins

… for your business, your people, and your customers.

The arrival of generative AI has created a classic Goldilocks scenario for businesses. Some are moving way too quickly, in a desperate rush not to be left behind. Some are moving much too slowly, unsure how to sensibly begin this new chapter of their business. So, here are three key considerations for getting it just right…

1. Identify the tasks

Generative AI is going to change the way all businesses work – even if those changes start out relatively small. But instead of looking around and worrying about the roles and the people that could be replaced, instead, think about your initial AI usage in terms of tasks.

It’s safe to say that most of the people in a business are spending significant time each week doing tasks that they’d be happy to see automated – freeing them up to apply the skills that will drive the biggest impact.

Carefully and thoroughly identifying the individual tasks that AI could support on throughout your business – and understanding how that could enhance the performance and productivity of your people – is the first step in figuring out how to get the most from both AI technology and your team.

Responsible AI starts with careful planning and strategy.

2. Train your team

The emergence of AI has been so swift and dramatic that a lot of businesses are too preoccupied with onboarding tools to consider how their people will use them. And while any AI needs to be trained very specifically in your brand – to avoid the dreaded sea of sameness – your teams will also need training and support to help them get the most from the technology, and to adapt to this new way of working.

Remember, everyone in your business can benefit from a knowledgeable and reliable AI assistant – but they won’t all benefit in the same way. Some general training as an introduction to the tools is a good idea, but that needs to be backed up with some extensive, and very specific, education around different functions and individual roles.

Also, there is going to be some understandable uncertainty among your team around your adoption of AI. The more you can empower them to use it in their own role, the more they’ll be able to understand the ways it can help them (and not, replace them).

Successful AI adoption starts with change management, to help you set both your employees and your business up for long-term success.

3. Consider the risks

Even AI’s greatest supporters and earliest adopters recognize that it comes with risks. But one of the common risks associated with AI is something that can’t be prevented by careful human observation.

Brand damage through misinformation, the perpetuation of bias or non-compliant content are some of the obvious hazards – but they aren’t the only ones. The regulatory landscape for AI is still far from settled, and the businesses who are most informed and vigilant will be the ones that face the least potentially disruptive surprises.

The ‘shiny new thing’ aspect of AI means there’s a temptation to plug it all in and iron out the wrinkles later on. But there’s no cutting corners when it comes to doing AI responsibly and successfully, so make sure that your AI is contextual, to help you avoid error-ridden outputs, and that you’ve carefully considered the risks.

Discover our five tips to avoid AI failure to learn more.

There doesn’t need to be any compromise between using AI to boost your productivity and profits and adopting it responsibly. Of course, brands and retailers need to move quickly to get their AI plans in place and realize value, especially the kind of shopping brands that Amplience work with. But the brands who get AI right, and get it right first, will be the ones who take the time to think it through.