Mach Information Festival 2021

Personify Your Headless Commerce Experience.

No Cookies. No Problem.

Privacy laws, changes to 3rd party cookies, and customer choice are all leading to more anonymous shoppers on your site. That doesn’t mean you can’t give them a tailored experience. Learn how combining headless content with an anonymous personalization engine takes in the real-time behavior of a visitor and provides contextually relevant content - no cookies needed.

Watch as Amplience Founder, James Brooke, and Personify XP’s Co-founder and CCO, Ben Mercer, delve into the world of personalization and headless commerce.

Video highlights:

  • 1:35 - Personify background

  • 3:30 - Digital marketing

  • 7:42 - Personalization

  • 16:30 - Discussion

  • 18:40 - Demo

  • 22:16 - Q&A

Who is Speaking:

James Brooke

James Brooke

Founder and CEO at


Ben Mercer

Ben Mercer

Co-founder and COO at

Personify XP

Bye-Bye Bad Shopping Experiences

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