How the Headless Commerce Experience Platform Drives Digital Transformation

Get the lowdown from Amplience’s Adam Sturrock

What’s New in the Headless Commerce Experience Platform World?

In the past year or so the conversation around headless has gone from “Let’s talk about it” to “How do we make this happen now?”But why is this approach rising in popularity? What impact can it have on your ecommerce experience? And how can a headless commerce experience platform help you make a success of it?Watch Amplience’s VP of Product Marketing Adam Sturrock answering all these questions and more in a recent LinkedIn Live discussion with Futurum Research.

You’ll Learn:

  • The changes in customer habits that have led to the rise in a headless approach

  • The different elements of digital experience management and how a single platform can bring them all together

  • The dangers of ‘going headless’ without a digital experience platform

  • How real-world companies have already made a success of the headless approach

  • What lies ahead for ecommerce and marketing in 2022 and beyond

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