Monolith vs MACH: A MACH Commerce Guide

Monolith vs MACH
There’s been an explosion of choice for shoppers online. They can interact with brands how they want. And new channels are getting added into the mix all the time. Brands need agility, flexibility, the ability to create content and commerce offerings that really align with their business values and roadmap.
MACH is the answer. But making the move from a monolith to MACH needs to be considered and properly evaluated as to whether it’s truly right for your business. So, alongside partner BigCommerce, we’ve put together your MACH commerce guide. We’ve started at the basics of what MACH is, calmed all the misconceptions in the market, outlined how to get started, and more.
Key Highlights:
Why now? Why MACH?
The basics of MACH and understanding all the industry terminology
MACH myths and misconceptions
A MACH checklist – so you can see whether making the move is right for you
How to get started with MACH