How Does Salesforce Commerce Cloud and Amplience Help Marketers?

Beth Norton
December 16, 2022
5 mins

Constantly running audits for duplicate H1 tags? Chasing down merchants to ensure consistent meta tagging across different page types? Always going back to creative to update designs for ADA and Accessibility requirements? Always finding inconsistent creative for paid ads and social posts that no longer match site creative?

Today, marketers face multiple challenges supporting their digital channels. Stricter criteria for search engine ranking require that site performance, meta tagging, and ADA compliance are consistently monitored and regulated. Additionally, a steady and consistent increase in digital channels like social platforms, marketplaces, paid ads, google shopping, etc. means that customers land on your website from a variety of different digital channels, and in a highly competitive ecommerce market, creating a rich and engaging customer experience is the key to conversion and customer loyalty.

Fast page-loading speed, content-rich storefronts and easy navigation are just some of the criteria that encourage customer engagement and site ranking. Yet with legacy content management systems, marketers walk a fine line between creating engageing, bespoke, cross-channel experiences while ensuring the storefront meets site performance and SEO best practices. Marketers often have to rely on developers for minor site changes and updates and have little or no governance on how site changes impact performance and search ranking.

However, with Salesforce Commerce Cloud and Amplience, marketers gain the freedom to manage digital experiences themselves using the principle of modular content, that enables them to update and publish content that has consistent metadata, is performant, and does not require custom code or development support.

How does Amplience Help Marketers to Deliver Experiences?

Building an omnichannel digital experience requires development support, specialized software for various platforms, and multi-stakeholder content approvals. Marketers are therefore often unable to be reactive to market or business demands, or to have autonomy to execute campaigns end-to-end and are left with little control over consistency of content tagging and SEO.

All of your Branded Content in One Place

With Amplience, all of your digital assets are stored in Content Hub, Amplience’s centralized media repository. Images, videos, and product media are dynamically tagged using AI for rich metadata and can be extended to contain any metadata that is important to your business, like brand, model, locale, photographer, etc.

Media is dynamically optimized for channel and browser and delivered through Amplience’s media optimization service and dual CDN, Dynamic Media.

Optimized and tagged media is then enriched in Amplience’s CMS - Dynamic Content - to create digital content and experiences like banners, blogs, carousels and pages that can be delivered across all digital touchpoints.

By using Amplience, marketers gain the freedom to create enriching experiences while maintaining consistency and control over media performance and SEO best practices. Using Amplience cuts production time and empowers marketers to create better storefront experiences that boost site performance, and ultimately increase conversions.

Whether you’re running on Salesforce SiteGenesis, SiteGenesis 2.0, SFRA or Composable Storefront, Amplience’s unified CMS and DAM platform easily integrates into and evolves with your technology stack – without the need for a replatform!

What are the Key Benefits of Using Salesforce Commerce Cloud with Amplience for Marketers?

  1. Site Performance Boost

Combining Salesforce’s new Progressive Web App framework and optimized media from Amplience immediately boosts site speed and performance.

Salesforce customer Duluth Trading saw a huge improvement in their google lighthouse scores after going Composable Storefront with the 64Labs Retail Accelerator.

Here is an example of their lighthouse score before implementing the 64Labs Retail Accelerator.

Here is Duluth Trading’s lighthouse score 6 weeks after launch.
  1. Create and Manage all Web Content

Amplience gives marketers the tools to plan, create and publish content across all web pages – not just product pages. Using the different content types, marketers can easily create and publish new landing pages, blog posts and brand pages, reusing content models to work faster and more efficiently.

  1. Standardize & Govern

Standardized fields for content types ensure all digital content is consistent in design and SEO attribution. Include field requirements like naming conventions to ensure SEO best practices are being met for both content types and new pages. 

  1. Get Real Time Previews

When new content is added to the content slots, it can be previewed in real-time, allowing marketers to visualize the experience they’re creating for their customers. 

  1. Efficient Publishing and Scheduling

Scheduling and publishing content and campaigns is quick and easy using slots and editions, enabling marketers to be more reactive to market and business demands, multiple views allow marketers to quickly see all active campaigns.

  1. Manage and Optimize Site Navigation and User Experience

Amplience gives marketing teams the freedom to update and manage the full site navigation; create new pages, assign different templates, control mega-menu content, and category content without having to navigate into multiple Business Manager modules.  

 7. Localize and Personalize Content 

Marketers can localize content for different languages and locales, ensuring personalization and relevancy between regions, and ultimately establishing brand trust and authority in different markets.

 8. Centralized Digital Asset Management 

Amplience provides the tools to easily store, optimize and upload large volumes of digital assets for marketing and product media. Upload and store assets in Content Hub (DAM) to use in Dynamic Content (CMS). 

With Dynamic Media, marketers are able to easily create multiple variants from a single master asset, auto crop and scale for mobile and create shoppable media that enables content to covert without having to WEBDAV images into 4 different image folders.

Amplience Powers Performance and Productivity for Digital Marketers

By eliminating some of the common challenges that marketers face with legacy content management systems and providing a content foundation for SEO best practices, Amplience empowers marketing teams to take back control and create rich, personalized shopping experiences that drive site performance, customer engagement and conversion.