Pre-composing the composable: A faster way to technical freedom

Elastic Path & Amplience
March 26, 2021
5 mins

2020 caused a cataclysmic shift in the world of eCommerce. While digital transformation has been on most companies’ roadmaps, now it is at the forefront of a lot of their minds. With stores closed or at limited capacity, retailers are looking for unique ways to substitute the tactile experiences that consumers expect when they walk into a store.

Essentially, consumer buying habits have changed, forever. Product discovery and shopping has been woven into the digital fabric of our daily lives. Both screen sizes and attention spans are shrinking. As many as 20% of customers are incorporating social media such as Pinterest and Instagram into their shopping routines. And combined with the uptake in online activity, consumers are no longer tolerating slow page load times, disjointed experiences, and a lack of personalization.

Realizing the agility to captivate customers

What with so much change in the eCommerce market and such a big shift in consumer mindset and shopping behavior, now's the time for brands to really hone in on the ability to capture new customers and keep existing ones coming back in a world oversaturated with content and competition.

But many retailers rely on decades-old commerce platforms and technology partners that are rigid and siloed, which have been shoe-stringed together to keep up with technology trends. They’re fighting a losing battle that’s leaving internal teams burnt out and consumers frustrated.

Many want technical freedom and agility. That technical freedom can be achieved through MACH-based technologies, where companies are empowered with the flexibility to build the innovative online experiences their customers want, the experiences that will help deliver higher conversion rates and build more intentional relationships with customers.

Sounds like an easy decision, right? It’s not so cut-and-dried. There are a few things holding businesses back.

What’s holding businesses back?

One of the biggest things that is holding many back from taking on a DIY or MACH-based approach is risk. Transforming your digital commerce platforms and online experiences is not something any business takes lightly and the business disruption that can occur from any technical change obviously needs to be mitigated.

Specifically, many brands feel intimidated by the task of stitching together numerous MACH-based solutions in order to deploy a complete commerce experience. And, in a lot of instances this is true. A certain level of digital maturity within the businesses is a needed given there’s a lot of decision-making to be made and technical considerations to be aware of when looking to migrate away from legacy technology.

Eliminate compromise with Elastic Path’s Composable Commerce Hub

The divide between knowing your business needs that technical freedom and actually achieving it is real. Fortunately, the ultimate compromise has arrived in the form of Composable Commerce. Composable Commerce is modern approach to eCommerce that enables business and technology teams to quickly and easily design, launch, and continuously optimize unique digital commerce experiences by composing multiple “best of breed” solutions together into a complete experience that brings their unique business requirements to life. It makes MACH-based commerce accessible with Pre-Composed Solutions to get up and running quickly and support to ensure that brands can continue to optimize across multi-vendor solutions.

Elastic Path unlocks Composable Commerce with the Composable Commerce Hub. The Composable Commerce Hub is the industry’s first and only open exchange of business solutions powered by leading Headless Commerce providers. Businesses can choose from a Pre-Composed solution to get up and running quickly or use the Accelerators to custom compose their architecture.

The Composable Commerce Hub gives businesses the control to design digital experiences for their unique needs and the simplicity to launch and generate revenue fast– it's all the autonomy but without the risk. And of course, Amplience is able to be utilized either as an accelerator or as part of a Pre-Composed Solution such as Myplanet’s Omnichannel Commerce Solution – so you can easily harness the power of Amplience’s headless content and digital experience management platforms within the composable setup you want.

Taking the path to composable commerce

If you would like to discuss how Composable Commerce could give your business more technical freedom, or how to utilize Amplience within the Composable Commerce Hub, then please get in touch.