Build with confidence
We're pleased to announce our new documentation for the Amplience Dynamic Content Management API.
Utilising the React based ReDoc framework and the OpenAPI format, the new documentation is easy to navigate and contains accurate examples of both requests and responses, as well as a full API spec that can be imported into your favourite API development tool.
Guides on how to authorize, use HAL links and common status codes are also included. In short the new docs mean you can get started with our APIs more quickly, validate your ideas and try things out before building anything.
You can find the new docs here.
Import the OpenAPI spec
OpenAPI is compatible with API development tools such as Insomnia and Postman , so you can download the entire API spec from our new documentation and import it into your chosen tool.
The button to download the spec can be found at the top of the documentation, or if you want to import directly from a URL without downloading the spec first, you can use:
Run in Insomnia
For insomnia users I have created this handy shortcut, just for fun: Run in Insomnia.
For more information see Insomnia's documentation on Importing and Exporting Data.
Create a Postman collection
To create a collection in Postman, import the Open API spec and tick the option 'Generate a Postman Collection'. This will generate a collection called Dynamic Content - Management API, with a folder for each endpoint. See Postman's documentation for more information: Working with OpenAPI in Postman.
What next
We will be migrating more of our APIs into the OpenAPI format and integrating them into our new UI in the near future.
As the new features of the ReDoc framework are released, we will evaluate whether they are useful to our customers. One potential feature is a built-in API Console, but keep an eye out for more changes coming soon.