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Key terms

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Account structure
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The combination of organizations, hubs and repositories in which content is stored for use with Dynamic Content. More about account structures.

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A file that has been uploaded into Content Hub. Assets are categorized into asset types according to the file types from which they were uploaded.

Asset library
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The collection of all the assets available to you within the Amplience platform. The asset library can be accessed using Content Hub and the Dynamic Content Assets tab.

More about the asset library.

Asset store
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Used as a level of organization above folders and sub folders for assets in Content Hub.

More about asset stores.

Asset type
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A category that's assigned to a file when it's uploaded to Content Hub, for example, image, video, text. Depending on the asset type, an asset may be published, dynamically, statically or both.

Refer to the full list of supported asset types.

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Content Delivery API
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Our next generation Content Delivery API (sometimes referred to as Content Delivery 2). The previous generation of API is referred to as the original Content Delivery API.

Current nameOld name
original Content Delivery APIContent Delivery API
Content Delivery APIContent Delivery 2 API

Content form
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An area within Dynamic Content where you view, add and edit information for content items and slots. The content form is displayed from the content library.

More about the content form.

Content Hub
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The application in the Amplience platform that's used to manage assets. Also used as a generic term for where all assets, including images and video are uploaded to and stored in the Amplience platform.

More about Content Hub.

Content id
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The unique id used by the Content Delivery API to identify a content item. A content item can also be retrieved using a delivery key.

Content item
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A piece of content that is created typically for consumption by your users, for example, a banner. Each content item is created based on a content type.

Content library
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The area within Dynamic Content where you can view and manage the content and slots that have been created for repositories and folders in a chosen hub. Content can be viewed in grid or list view.

More about content library.

Content preview app
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A representation of how content will appear on your website or app at a particular point in time. Previews can only be displayed for dates in the future. See developing content previews.

Content type
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A template for how content should be structured. Each content type is created by registering a content type schema on a hub and associating it with a repository. Used by users to create content items and slots. A content type consists of the content type schema URL, together with a label and optionally an icon, card and one or more visualizations.

See also content type schema.

Content type schema
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A schema that defines a type of content to be created, including its structure and format. Defined using the JSON Schema format and created using the schema editor or stored externally.

See also content type.

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Delivery key
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A string of up to 150 characters that can be assigned to a slot or content item and used instead of the content id to retrieve content. Available with our next generation Content Delivery API, but not the original Content Delivery API.

Dynamic Content hub
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The space within which content is produced and scheduled. Hubs are organized into repositories and folders.

See Hub.

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Defines the start and end dates of a scheduled campaign, and groups together the editions of content for that campaign.

Events usually represent a major campaign such as Black Friday or New Year sales. Editions are scheduled individually within an event.

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A collection of content that is scheduled to be published at a specified time.

Content can be added to slots in an edition or directly to an edition.

Editions have a scheduled start and end date / time and often represent a set of content updates for a specific purpose. For example, a New Year sales event may include separate editions for teaser banners, a womenswear campaign and a free shipping promotion.

Edition status
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A visual indication of an edition’s state shown in the Dynamic content edition window and scheduling tab.

The edition status can be: draft, scheduled, expired or published. A newly created edition has a status of draft and is set to scheduled when it is scheduled for be published. Once the end date of an edition has passed, it is set to expired.

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Amplience users can be represented within the platform by their Globally Recognized Avatar. If a gravatar is registered for a user's email address, that profile icon is used rather than an icon generated using initials and colors.

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In Dynamic Content, the space within which content is produced and scheduled.

Hubs can contain multiple repositories. Customers may have multiple hubs and access permissions set for each hub. Users may be provided with access to one or more hubs.

Content cannot be shared between hubs. In cases where content needs to be shared (between brands, for example), that content would need to be organized into multiple repositories within one hub. In cases where multiple brands do not share content, then multiple hubs could be used to maintain separation.

You can define an endpoint for each hub to which content will be published. Multiple hubs may share the same endpoint, but the same hub cannot publish to multiple endpoints.

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Linked content
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A content item that contains links to other items. One example is a carousel that contains links to one or more carousel slides or banners. The content items linked from the carousel are stored separately to the carousel itself and can be used in multiple pieces of content.

See Creating linked content.

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A locale is an ISO standard combination of a language code, which is mandatory, and an optional country code. Locales are used in both field level and content item localization in Dynamic Content.

See locales.

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The process of making content relevant for different regions and countries. Dynamic Content supports two types of localization: field level localization and content item localization. When using field level localization users add data for each locale within a single content item. With content item localization separate content items are created for each locale.

See localizing content.

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See organization member.

Mime type
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A media type (also known as a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions or MIME type) indicates the nature and format of a document, file, or assortment of bytes. The platform supports a range of mime types.

More about supported mime types.

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A reusable part of a schema, that allows you to use the same data structures in multiple places.

More about mixins.

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A top level entity within which Dynamic Content hubs and repositories exist.

More about organizations.

Organization member
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Each user who belongs to an organization is a member of that organization. Members can be assigned roles that give access to an organization's hubs and repositories.

More about organization members.

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A form of mixin.

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Used to control user access and actions. In Dynamic Content, an environment's permissions are implemented using roles.

More about permissions.

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A collection of a particular type of data, such as content, that is available from Dynamic Content.

Repositories are organized within a hub and each has associated permissions. This makes it possible to specify who can create and edit content in a particular repository.

You can specify that a particular repository contains slots. This allows slots created within this repository to be shown in the slots library and added to editions.

As you can control which content types are made available to each repository, it is possible to have multiple content repositories, each with a different set of content types available to use to create content.

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A predefined set of permissions that allow an organization member to perform specific actions for content in an organization, hub or repository.

More about roles.

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A container for content, representing an area of a website, app or other channel such as an in-store display.

A slot might represent an entire page of your website, or a particular area of the page.

Content is scheduled by adding slots to an edition and choosing the content to be published to these particular slots. When an edition goes live, the chosen content will be published into the specified slots.

This allows content planners to control what content is published, to what location and at what time.

You can also add content directly to an edition without using slots.

See Slots.

Slot library
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The list of slots available to add to an edition.

The library can be opened when an edition is created, viewed or edited. Slots will generally be created when your integrations are set up or updated, and stored in a repository marked for that purpose.

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A representation of a content item exactly as it appears at the point when it was added or saved to an edition for scheduling. A snapshot is a specific version of a content item.

By creating snapshots, Dynamic Content allows planners to be certain that the content, including any linked items, they preview and schedule is exactly the version of the content that will appear when the edition goes live.

See snapshots.

Scheduling criteria
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The set of rules that determine whether an edition can be scheduled.

The edition start date must be in the future and the edition must not contain any content version conflicts.

Scheduling error
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An error state that must be resolved before an edition can be scheduled.

  • Content Version Conflict:
    An edition cannot be scheduled if slots within that edition contain two different snapshots of the same content.

  • Slot validation error: An edition cannot be scheduled if it does not contain at least one valid slot. An empty slot may be treated as invalid depending on its definition.

Scheduling warning
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A condition where an edition may be scheduled, but a warning is shown to let you know about possible unexpected behaviour.

One example is possible overlapping content: If two editions are scheduled to publish content within one hour of each other, you will be warned that, if the editions share the same slots, content may be overwritten.

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A preview of a content item. Visualizations are available for content in the Content Library and for content added to slots in an edition.

To use visualizations a default visualization environment must be set in a hub’s visualization settings.

See developing visualizations and viewing visualizations.

Visualization environment
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The environment within which content previews are displayed.

This environment is specified in the hub settings window and will generally be set up at the beginning of a project.

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A mechanism for Dynamic Content to automatically send messages or data to a third party system when a specified event occurs, such as publishing or saving content.

More about Webhooks

Webhook event
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A notification that is triggered when a certain action occurs in Dynamic Content. Developers create webhooks that subscribe to selected webhook events.

See webhook payloads for the supported webhook events and sample payloads.