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Switch on Next Generation Authoring

Our Next Generation Authoring (Beta) brings an enhanced 'look and feel' to your authoring experience, without the need for your developers to make changes.

During the beta phase, Next Generation Authoring is optional. You can switch it on and off as you want, without impacting other users, using the switch at the top of your content authoring experience.

Enhanced authoring look and feel

Once switched on, you'll instantly get the benefit of the enhanced 'look and feel' when creating and updating your content. Find out about the 'enhanced look and feel' features.

When you switch on Next Generation Authoring locally with the toggle, it's applied for all content types in your current hub. If Next Generation Authoring is set to be on by default at the organization level, it's applied for all content hubs and their types in the organization.

Take your authoring experience to the next level

Next Generation Authoring is more than just a new 'look and feel'. It offers developers a range of features for optimizing the authoring experience. Find out ways that your authoring experience can be improved.

Switching on for an organization
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Your organization has the option to set Next Generation Authoring to be on by default or not:

  • On by default: Next Generation Authoring is automatically activated for all users and their hubs. Users can turn it on or off whenever they want
  • Off by default: Users can choose when they want to switch Next Generation Authoring on and off for themselves
To enable Next Generation Authoring by default

Please contact Amplience Support to switch on Next Generation Authoring (Beta) by default for all users in your organization.

Switching between authoring modes
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During the beta phase, you have the option to freely toggle between our new and previous content authoring modes.

When you switch the authoring mode
  • The setting is local to you for the browser on your device, it doesn't impact other users
  • If you're working incognito the authoring mode isn't saved
  • If you swap to a different type of browser the authoring mode won't carry over

You have the option of switching off Next Generation Authoring for:

  • All content types- Switches it off for all content types in the current hub.
  • Only this content type- Switches it off for only the content type that you are currently using. This option lets you keep benefiting from the new content authoring experience with other content types.

Next Generation Authoring

Out of the box features

Optimize your authoring experience